
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mama Bear all BIG!

Tons of people at the pool...it's beautiful out

Suddenly, this Mom starts screaming,
     "Stop it!...leave him alone!..he didn't do nothing to you
      Leave him alone you brats...get the hell away!"

Everyone looks over...very uncomfortable.
a Mom yelling at her kids like that..in front of everyone...yikes
Except...the kids she was yelling at weren't hers. Just the one
Holy Cow!! it was the gossip of the pool for the next few hours.

Ok...so she could have handled it differently...
I would have handled it differently.
But I also understand the reaction.

Yesterday Luna came out of the pool
     "You know what Mami, I was playing with these girls...
     and then I went away...and then the other one left...
     and then they said that I was weird and to go away
     and they didn't want to play with me anymore"

OMG I go so defensive...
I didn't say anything, but the words ran through my brain like fire.
Mama Bear all blown up and BIG

I breathed and asked her "How it made her feel?" 
(can't shake the therapist outta me)
I was so ready for more fuel...anger..
She just said, "I don't really care...it's dumb"
Not me! I DID care!
Especially when she was back to playing with one of them 10 minutes later
It made me sooooo mad.
I knew I could stop her...tell her what was what...
I even made quiet comments...here...and there..
"Don't let them treat you like that"
"You deserve better!"

Walking by their parents..ugh
I wanted to growl!
But Luna was OK...ugh.
She can do it...she'll figure it out
Step back, Mama Bear...step back!

Later in the day...some boys started bugging
Luna playing with boys is going to be tough for me
I know that...and I know I have a lot of "old stuff" about that.
But I can work on it.

These 4 boys, though, were 11/12....and looked like 15
NO WAY!!!! 
There is NO reason that boys that age 
should be teasing...stealing toys from 7/8yr old girls
I talked to the girls...it was only play for them...cause they're 8
but I gave them a different ball and told them to stay away

The boys came back like piranhas...took the ball
Mama BEAR got REALLY big....
I breathed...and called the boys over 
asked them "nicely" to give the ball back
As I walked away...I heard one say "Bitch"

I took the girls for ice cream...talked to them
How do you explain that to a little girl?
Coming back I heard something whiz by.
boys laughing, "If she hadn't taken that one step I would've nailed her!"

HOLY SHIT!!! Mama Bear...wanted to jump in the pool and take some heads.
at this point I was like that Mom at the beginning of this story
which is why I wasn't so quick to judge her early on.
I wanted to really beat the shit out of these boys
I looked for their parents...nothing...I breathed...
Thank God for breathing.

They continued to be obnoxious
the girls just didn't get it...they didn't run...
I tried to explain to her one last time...
I knew I wasn't using the best words...but I said it anyway
12 year old boys that want to play with 7 year old girls are "sick"!!

I knew I didn't do it right...
we left the pool...knowing I didn't do it right.
But I thought back to the little girls teasing Luna
and then thought about the boys teasing Luna

There IS a time for Mama bear to get all big
and there's a time to just watch it work itself out
I'll swallow that for a while...

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