
Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's back and I'm going to share it...

Here it is...the truth...
I think I'll call it BP

It's come to take over again
It's the ugliest thing I can imagine
It's sitting in a lawn chair under a dark shadow
It chokes me and pulls my hair and pushes me around

It's the wave I was riding
and it pulled me under and thrashed me about
I couldn't breathe...desperate to find myself up
and when I did come up...I had no idea where the shore was
That's always been the fall back way of describing it
But...some people have never been to the ocean
and so I guess that'd be a hard metaphor to follow

I learned that letting it ride was better...
easier...than struggling.
It was going to happen regardless...
God made me this way...
just let it be...appreciate the pain...use it.

Yep...that's better than fighting it.
Until I realized how molested I felt
by just lying down and taking it.
Even physically molested...dirty.

I know...please trust me...I know
EVERY time BP drives up
I get in line for the thought change train.
I'm first to get those tickets..

This is something different.
This is the most awful feeling
It is the ultimate isolation
This is BPD II...this is DSM 296.89

It IS sooo Isolating
that is why I am exposing it
on here...even though I'm more scared
than I have ever been sharing...me

well-meaning friends just say...
"Just think good thoughts...positivity"
but that's like telling someone with sunburn that they are sunburned
we give it that strength every time...with our whole hearts
I know there have to be friends of mine
who wonder...and don't understand

I want to shrivel up
as I post this...
but I KNOW...there HAVE TO be people
out there...hiding it...convincing themselves
lying and isolated...
I want to be brave for them too!

I'm a therapist!! I have it...!!!
I'm going to use my life to share it
I'm gonna share it for people who don't want to
I'm gonna talk about it for people to understand it...
I'm gonna talk about it and answer questions.
even when I'm at my ugliest...even when you wanna be ugly too
I think that's what I'm supposed to do.

Now I wanna vomit again..ugh

oh...btw...it's Bipolar II Disorder (BPD II)


Merry ME said...

What a brave girl you are. I'm so proud of you.

I don't want to sound like I'm patronizing, but this is a big step. I hope you see it. I think you do.

I have seen what BPD can do to people. I've heard how hard it is to stay on medications that help but produce their own set of difficulties to deal with. And I've lived with the big black wave of clinical depression. I know what it feels like to be tossed around to the point you don't know and don't care where is top and where is bottom.

For me, the ONLY way out was to talk about it. First in therapy, then with family, then with friends. Like my gray hair and extra pounds, depression is a part of me. Controlled with medication but it still flares up occasionally. My saving grace was discovering it was an emotional, spiritual and chemical problem to be fought on three fronts.

One of my favorite sayings is by Sue Bender (There was a poster on my therapist's wall, right by the door to her office. Every time I walked in I had to read it.) "Miracles happen after a lot of hard work." How true is that.

You sound as if you are on the right track. Hooray for you!

terri st. cloud said...

big smile over here! NOT because you have this stuff goin' on.....but because you put it out there!

our stories connect us and help us all become more.....

way to go, woman!

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