
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Still stuck in my last post..

"I'm not sure I've heard anything like that before"

So...I re-read my first paragraph...just to be sure....
I read it and I was really embarrassed...

I have a potty mouth...
sometimes I just can't find another word to express what I want
but those words are really destructive and disgusting...
How could I have that on my blog?

Horrifically...I could not have quoted that Mom more accurately
those words REALLY came out of her mouth.

I'm still crazy over it
what should I have done?
walk the child away?
I've done that...when parents were fighting...
I've gone over to them and gently taken the child's hand
and motioned to the parents...(if they even noticed in their rage)
to play with Luna or something.

but you can't take a kid away from a parent yelling at them...
where are you going to take them to?
and then you have to give the kid back...when?
when the mom calms down?
they'll just get the crap beat out of them more when they get home.
To the police? I don't know...that's a huge decision...
Pull the Mom aside and talk with her?
You can't talk to anyone that's raging.
Do the anonymous call thing? To who? 
and then you have to have someone on the other end of that phone that actually cares

So..what can WE do?
I just don't know...
I WANT to know so badly...
I want to figure it out so that I have a plan if it happens again
but I don't know

1 comment:

Heart Felt said...

Such an onslought of verbal abuse does have a numbing effect on the person it's directed to and the people who hear it. Don't beat yourself up over this. The good news is that you are asking yourself what will I do "next time?" The odds are pretty even that if the verbal abuse in the store it's worse at home. It's also a reasonable bet to think there is physical abuse in the home. The tip off here is the reaction of the adult, and the older child who witnessed this outburst. I think it is not the first time they have seen this behavior. Direct intervention on your part is a risky business. There is just no way to know who or what you are dealing with. Regardless of the situation call the police. They are your first line of action. They also have the power to take the children away and into custody. Be specific in detailing the abuse and request an immediate response. Under no circumstance identify yourself to the abuser. Keep watch, direct the police to them when they arive. The police in your state may or may not be "madatory reporters." Ask, and if they are not then request they notify the appropriate agency. One other consideration. Every state has a volunteer program most likely called a Guardian Ad Litem Service. This is an agency who's volunteers are advocates for children in court and protect the well being of the child at home or in foster care. I highly recommend you look into this as you are moved by the plight of the defensless. Good luck, God Bless.

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