
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Losing my bodega

I can't believe that it has been a whole year now
and I still talk about moving from Nashville
as if the loss were yesterday...

It feels like loss...really does..
There were very important women
who lent me their eyes when mine were glossy.
relationships with people who lived consciously..
not perfect and happy all the time..but aware..and accepting

Finding those friendships here has been a long process.
and a constant reminder of what I lost.
And of course, for those that know me really well, 
there was one particular loss that has been overwhelmingly painful.

I walk into my bodega after a week away from my daily routine
I'm smiling..waiting to hear
"Mi madre..que paso nina..te has perdido!! Where you been?"
Nope...not today...not anymore..
there was no Santiago..no Soireli..nope.
they finally went through with the sale
My heart dropped....
"What the hell? Now I lost MY bodega too!!!" :-/

Suddenly the other losses that I've been feeling came rushing to the crowd
the Nashville ones....people and places
My school adviser...possibly
I could lose her too...and was anticipating it
The loss of my Starbucks..mine.
the loss of TJ Maxx...the every day TJ...and Jonathans and Kroger..my Kroger card
the loss of my schools friends...just for the summer...but still felt like a loss

AND THEN it happened the guilt started taunting...the "negative self-talk" ...
     "What right do you have, Teresa?"
     These are just little simple losses
     People have much bigger things
     losing homes, jobs, family members...etc
     what right do you have to call this LOSS?"

I felt ashamed for bitching...
But this time I let the thoughts take a trip
through my brain and heart and spirit part.

Here's what came out:

There ARE big losses...sudden ones...that knock you to your knees
that are so surprising and cause this surge of pain all at once
Permanent losses...

There ARE also  losses that aren't as evident
that seem so little...they don't turn your life upside down
but they DO happen and they DO take your breath away..they hurt and make you teary

It isn't about the bodega being gone.
or the friendship being miles away
or the comfort of a community and familiarity

It's that they shift your life balance
and with more and more piling up
your balance...your center of gravity sends you for a spin.
IT's the LOSS of balance and security and the shift
that's what knocks you to your butt

Both are just as powerful...
I'm feeling the pain and loss that happens when life shifts
that's just as important...it really is...it really does hurt
Losing the balance has been really painful
Even after a year.

But that's OK
I'm still grieving...
and it could take years for me to feel settled again.
and that's ok too.


Merry ME said...

Wow! What a treatise on loss. I think you've hit the nail on the head. Never thought of it as a loss of life balance. But that is so true.

I've also realized that big losses or little losses, after awhile they build on each other and get all jumbled up into a giant LOSS that feels just plain icky.

Sounds like you are working things out. Good you!

paradox said...

Lol...you know...somehow I failed to add one of the biggest losses to my list. Losing beer...holy cow...that was like losing a best friend. Curious that I forgot to mention it.

You're so right about them building. What do we do to break that ball of loss apart? I wonder if it will and at what point it will disintegrate...

Personal Mandalas