
Friday, July 30, 2010

Loving ME? Really?

Last night after class...I was thinking, 
"Oh man, today would be SUCH a great "beer day"!"
HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
All the classic triggers to following temptation

Hungry: this new Rx takes ALL appetite away, but the hunger remains
Angry: Pissed that I wasn't appreciated (oops I mean recognized..lol)
Lonely: I went into Marshalls, saw some hideous stuff
got so sad reminiscing bout belly laughs at "The TJ" with old friends
Tired: I pulled an all nighter to finish my presentation..
and could barely keep my eyes open

Sooooo...a six pack...a twelve pack...a case of beer..
sounded sooo delicious, relaxing and fun
I'm driving to the store..."HALT-ing"..
wondering, "Why shouldn't I drink?"

Why?? I rolled through the reasons...
Life is better
I'm moving forward
I'm figuring out the ups and downs
I'm being my best me
And THEN...
Whoa!!!! Hold up...it hit me!

Why not grab that six pack?

No way!!! REALLY?? me?? love MYSELF?
Could this really be true?
Yes...it IS true...and I finally had proof.

IF I DIDN'T love myself...
all that stuff about moving forward
about feeling better
about LIFE...
it wouldn't matter...
I would love the beer, and the fun...way more

I DO love myself now...
I want more for myself than beer and fun
I BELIEVE in me..
I finally see that there IS a reason to believe
and that PROVES that I DO love Teresa!

What a surprise!


Merry ME said...

Great discovery.
One to hold on to during the hard times.
Keep it up.
One day at a time.

paradox said...

Definitely. The desire to drink comes so rarely now...it takes me by surprise. It's so easy for me to forget that loving myself was what made the difference for me. I've finally come to really appreciate that awareness...especially recently. I have a girlfriend who is really sitting on the other side...I'd give anything to have her sit with me. and have to laugh remembering myself at her age...pushing all the chairs away.

Thank you for commenting..getting more and more used to having people listening..and I think a huge part of that is also about loving myself.

Unknown said...

I miss belly laughs at the TJ too! Great post. Love you!

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