
Sunday, July 25, 2010


I just caught my friend in a lie
It's a stupid lie...nothing big...but it's STILL a lie

I thought about the old me.
THAT me would have gotten all upset about the lie
Mad at my friend...definitely pointing it out to her
then making it personal..."why did she have to lie"
"She must not be a true friend!"
That whole bitter dialogue would have curdled in me

At some point, though, I learned that sometimes it doesn't matter
The NEW me knows that it's ok
that lying is just a defense mechanism..
or just a quicker way to respond
done to avoid all the conversation that goes with the truth

I'm not condoning lying...I try hard not to lie.
But I guess I understand why now
and why it's not about me...not always..lol

I like the NEW me
the one that accepts that sometimes people just lie

The funny thing is that,
I have been thinking about this whole lying thing A LOT
and I started writing about it the other day
and have so much stuff about lying...so much "me" stuff

So, I guess there will have to be a "Lies Part II"

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