
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2 years....2 whole years

I was sad today
Still sad about losing Nashville
Yearning so painfully to be getting off a plane today
walking into one of my old meetings
and celebrating with people that helped me out
Feeling the 2 year coin for the first time
responding to everything in means

But that was not going to happen this year
and I was angry over it...
Teary as I drove to work this morning
Pouting....definitely pouting.
Thinking no one's gonna be interested in celebrating
Hell...I thought no one would remember
and if they did, they wouldn't know why it's important

I was wrong, though...imagine, me, wrong about pouting
My friends, in their own way, made me smile tonight
valued the anniversary with me..in their own way.
They know so little about AA
But Danielle...she made me a pretend 2 year medallion...lol.
and the others...they said a cheers over club sandwiches and cokes.

Then there was Luna....the conversation that made me smile the widest
Because for some reason, she really really really gets it.
Every milestone...every single one...she has made me smile
She has been the most fun person to announce it to.

"Hey, Luna...guess what? One month without beer!"
"Yay, Mami...I'm so happy for you!"
"Hey, Luna...guess what? 90 days without beer!"
"Yay, Mami...I'm so proud!"
"Hey, Luna...guess what? 6 months without beer!"
"Yay, Mami....what color chip is this one?"

Yep...she really really got it...
When I got home, she was laying in my bed
asked me to close my eyes and put my hands out...
and there it was...the best 2 year sobriety coin ever!
Made by her as I rushed home...
made because she wanted to give me what I wanted most
that symbol of two years of life change

And....best of all....she made it rainbow color

Tomorrow I'll reflect more about the past year
but for tonight, I will sleep with two paper coins
made with spiritual gold.

1 comment:

Merry ME said...

Lots of clapping going on over here.
Blessings to Luna.

It works if you work it!

Personal Mandalas