
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All wrapped up

I've forgotten what's under the wrapping.
Failed to remember there's color...
So, I'm pealing some strips off slowly
Rinsing the grayness away.

I have a new piece of circle art
I was drawing the other day, and nothing was making sense about it.
I was doing my "circle art" thing...where I just let my inner stuff take control of the pen
and I wasn't liking anything about it
but, I scanned it in to my computer...started touching it up anyway.
and then...when I looked at it from the screen...I froze...

This ugly and frustrating new piece of circle art that I had drawn
suddenly became the piece that says the MOST
it talks about the inner conflict...
it talks about how the depression can wrap itself around
or smudge out
or stick to.......
All this color...

looking at it makes me cry
it's a really desperate feeling
to see this beautiful vibrant thing
that can't seem to break through the sludge
I know that I am vibrant and powerful and good
but this gray stuff is stamped on to that color and it won't come off.

I pour water over the whole of me
Some gray washes off...the black gets lighter
Some parts are slick with oil that won't loosen its grip
Other parts of the color have been protected with plastic and will never be tarnished

anyway....here it is...
with the words I felt as I was looking at it.

1 comment:

Merry ME said...

I love how you can let go and let your pen decide what it's going to say. This piece of circle art is beautifully done and tells a real story. Like like, it just represents one day. THe days before and after each have their own colors and stories.

Am I the only one who has trouble finding your current posts? I have to go down to the end and hit home before I'm brought to the newest piece. Is it something on my computer?

Wishing you a bright color-filled Fall day.

Personal Mandalas